Friday, June 14, 2013

My Favorite Fetishes III: Hypnosis/Mind Control

My Favorite Fetishes III: Hypnosis/Mind Control
Sin is in... and so we begin!
Y’see?  I promised I’d do it, and I totally came through!  This installment of My Favorite Fetishes will be all about my number one, sure-fire, never-fails, constantly on my mind fetish:  Mind Control.

In this, I discuss themes such as hypnotically coerced sex, brainwashing, forced bi- & homosexuality, reprogramming personalities, etc.  If things like that offend you, you probably don’t want to stick around for this post (don’t worry, I’ll make sure to post something later along a completely differently depraved line for you guys).

For the rest of you, stare at the spiral for a bit, and then sink deep into the blissful world of mind-control fetishes after the break...

*SNAP* And awake!  Huh?  Oh, don’t worry about the last half hour you seem to be missing.  That’s not what we’re here to discuss today.  What we are discussing is the fetish of Mind Control, specifically hypnosis (often referred to as a ”hypnofetish“).

Now, while I do love all forms of erotic mind control (magic, technology, etc.), I tend to focus most heavily on hypnosis.  This is due to it actually have applications in the real world (last I checked, there were no magical artifacts in existence that instantly turn people into your slaves).

I’m going to split this up into four sections.  First, I’ll be talking about the Hypnofetish in general.  Next, I’ll cover my induction, er, introduction to it.  Following that, the final two sections will focus on exploring the practice itself from the two different perspectives: the subject and the hypnotist.  So, without further ado, simply let your gaze drift downwards...

Part 1:  What is a Hypnofetish?

I’m willing to bet that the majority of you already have a level of familiarity with this, but I want to make sure I cover all bases for any newcomers to the scene that may stumble across this.

I never got that damn dollar back...
The term Hypnofetish refers to a heightened sense of sexual arousal when exposed to concepts relating to someone hypnotizing someone else.  You may experience arousal merely at the concept of trance, or your arousal may be more specifically tied to thoughts of being either the hypnotists or the hypnotized person.  The point is that something about hypnosis excites you in a way that little else does.  It’s as simple as that.

A majority of the media in the hypnofetish community is centered around the use of hypnosis to sexually control a person or group of persons, but that’s because a good bit of it has been created by fellow hypnofetishists.  The truth is, though, thanks to the power of the mind nearly any hypnosis related media will do.  We can pretty much take that base image and run with it (hypnofetishists tend to be pretty good at visualizing things in their heads... imagine that).
If this excites you, you might be a hypnofetishist.

That’s pretty much the long and short of it.  The main thing to take away from this is: hypnofetishists exist, and, if you are one, you are not alone!  A lot of us (especially those of us who discovered our proclivity back when internet access wasn’t really such a common thing) have felt that way.  Then we discovered the hypnofetish community.  If you’re looking to learn more, take a trip over to’s EroticHypnosis group.  We’re a pretty nice group of people, and there are plenty of links in the sidebar to help you get started on your hypnotic journey!

There, *exhale* doesn't that feel better?  Just feel your resistance towards hypnosis fading away as you read on...

Part 2:  I Was a Teenage Hypnoslave

Yeah, now that's a topic they don't really make after-school specials about.  Of course, it's not like I just woke up one morning and suddenly said, "y'know, I'd like to be hypnotized to obey and fuck whomever controls me."  It actually goes back a lot further than that.  In fact, I'd have to say my interest in hypnosis stems back to my early childhood.

In fact, I blame Mr. T.

Too... much... 80's...
Well, more specifically, I blame the writers behind Season 1, Episode 6 of the Mr. T Saturday morning cartoon (which, thanks to the magic of the internet, you can see here).  The general plot is that Ms. Bisby (the prim & proper, bookish-but-still-attractive schoolmarm type) hears a trigger word that activates dormant hypnotic programming placed by a former professor.  The suggestion places her into a mindless state causing her to commit a major crime before delivering the goods and taking her own life.

Fortunately Mr. T and the gang discover the trigger phrase to snap her out of the trance just in time.  I know you were worried, but it's okay.  Just take a deep breath and we'll continue.

I have to tell you... that has a hell of an effect on a 4 year old!  I remember feeling all sorts of weird while watching that episode, and the main thought I had was, "if he can make her do anything, why not just make her hug and kiss him lots?"  Yeah... 4 years old, remember?

From there, I seemed to have an almost hyper-attention towards any media portrayal of hypnosis and/or mind control.  Woman on man, man on woman, man on man, woman on woman, it didn't matter.  The simple thought of it was enough to make me relive that strange feeling I'd had the first time, except it only seemed to intensify as I got older.

Fast forward to when I was 12.  Just coming into my sexuality, I found myself eager to explore some of the feelings I now recognized as sexual arousal.  I remember that I had a friend I used to spend a lot of time with that summer.  He was the only other person in the neighborhood around my age.  It turned out, by random conversational coincidence, that he was also interested in hypnosis, though his interest stemmed more from a curiosity as to what it felt like.  So... we decided to play a game.  I would try to hypnotize him, and he would be completely honest in his reactions.

Having recorded and watched nearly anything I could find on hypnosis multiple times, I was apparently well armed enough to trance someone my own age.  With a simple focus induction (one of those, "watch the watch" dealies), I managed to put him into a hypnotic trance.  I was totally freaking out!  I hadn't really planned that far ahead.  I kept talking to him while I racked my brain before finally deciding to indulge another interest I had.

Men or women... belly dancers are HOT!
I told him to stand up and take off his shirt.  To my giddy amazement, he did.  I then sat down and told him that he was my personal belly dancer (belly dance is another huge fetish of mine that I will cover one day, I promise), and I wanted him to dance for me.  He did.  I sat in amazement as I watched him move his body in a very feminine fashion.  Granted, he wasn't very good, but it was enough for 12 year old me.

After 10 minutes had passed, I stopped and woke him.  He was amazed!  He spent nearly an hour recounting everything that had gone through his mind.  Unfortunately, experiencing it once was enough for him, and we never played that game again.

Fast forward again to high school.  I was 17, and I had actually managed to ingratiate myself with a girl who would go on to become both my first girlfriend and my first mistress.  She was sophomore (one year below me) who worked weekends as a model.  We're not talking the typical "get your parents to shell out a ton of cash for 'modeling lessons' and get to call yourself a model" shams.  This was more along the lines of, "I have another magazine shoot this weekend.  You should come along.  Afterwards, we can grab some dinner, my treat."

I was completely blown away when she actually expressed a romantic interest in me at that dinner.  We dated, and a scandalous relationship (at least as far as our school was concerned) ensued.  Then, one day, she told me that she'd been reading about hypnosis and wondered if I'd be willing to let her try it on me.  Seeing as how she was vastly experienced with sex already, I was willing to let her try anything she wanted on me.

I, of course, consented.

An accurate portrayal of my first sexual experience.
I actually think that was my first exposure to a visualization induction ("close your eyes and imagine...").  It was a simple trance.  Nothing too deep.  I remembered most of it, and I had passed the "balloon arm" perfectly.  She was apparently very pleased, because she couldn't wait to do it again the next day.  I was ecstatic!  She asked me if it would be okay for her to put in a trigger that would make it easier for her to bring me back into trance.  Not seeing how this could possibly be used for anything other than simple experimentation, I agreed.

That trance took a lot longer.  She used a similar induction, but she focused heavily on deepeners.  I didn't really remember much beyond the induction, and I was actually a little surprised when I was awoken to find that two hours had passed!

That was also my first experience with post-trance drymouth.  Yuck!

After getting a sip of water, my first question to her was, "did it work?"

She simply grinned and responded, "I don't know.  Let's find out."  She spoke a specific phrase, and I immediately felt myself getting foggy.  She guided me back into my seat and started talking about how I was going 100 times deeper.  She then woke me and repeated this enough times that I lost count.  Eventually, I was woken to find another hour had passed.  She said that I'd responded so well that she'd decided to try a few more triggers.  I was nervous, but still very excited.

"Like what?" I asked.  She spent the next several minutes showing me in exquisite detail how much control she'd gained over me.  She told me that I was now her slave, and I'd do whatever she said.  I'm not sure it it was the hypnosis or the teenage hormones speaking, but I happily repeated, "I will obey" as she ran me through a number of wonderously depraved commands.  That was day one.  We were together for over a year.  It... was... awesome!

I was sad when she decided that she'd had enough of fetish experimentation and no longer needed a slave, but... shit happens.

Wow!  That went on for a good bit longer than I thought it would.  I hope you didn't fall asleep.  I know it's so hard not to, reading all of my words, but just try to resist your eyes drooping.  I find that rhythmic deep breaths help you focus on my words as you keep reading.

Part 3: I Guess I AM Getting Sleepy, Why Do You Ask?

So, there you have it.  My first true experience with erotic hypnosis was as the subject.  Did I enjoy it?  Oh yeah!  The really interesting part is why I enjoyed it, though.

As my profile blurb mentions, I am a switch.  I am quite happy being both the Dominant or submissive member in a relationship.  Being on the receiving end of a trance is simply an extension of the latter for me.  If you like the idea of being made to serve someone with no opportunity to decline, you probably want to start looking into being a subject... and *cough* e-mailing me *cough*.

So easy to submit...
There are three distinct styles of control usually applied to subjects via erotic hypnosis.  First is the more conditioned approach where thoughts of service are made to appeal to you in such a way that you almost think it was your idea.  It's basically the "blissful obedience" approach.  It's also my favorite to utilize as a hypnotist (more on that later, though).  In this trance experience, you're basically conditioned to not only accept the control, but to also enjoy it to such a degree that you greatly crave it.

This is the type of hypnotic experience involved when you hear a hypnosub saying things like, "I love to serve," with an enthusiastic smile on her face.  It's also the type of training my first Mistress used on me.

So what makes this type of hypnosis so appealing as a subject?  Everything!  You've been conditioned to respond so positively to literally every single interaction with the hypnotist.  It's like living in a constant state of euphoria.  These experiences also tend to focus on positive reinforcement.  The more obedient you are, the more you are rewarded with opportunities to serve, and, since that's what you're now craving more than anything, you are constantly on could 9!  Even the negative reinforcement is usually presented in such a way as to help you avoid displeasing your Dominant and and thus diminishing your own pleasure.

Heh... she hates me right now.
The second type of control is the kind where your mind is still there and completely aware of what's happening, but your body is responding independently.  This is more along the lines of, "fuck no I'm not going to kneel down and--- FUCK!  WHY AM I KNEELING DOWN?"

I've had a bit of experience with this a few times.  Overall, while not being my favorite, it can be very enjoyable as long as you're amicable towards the hypnotist (and, let's face it, you should never let someone you aren't amicable towards hypnotize you... fortunately, it's also very hard for someone you don't trust to do so).  This allows the hypnotist to engage in a bit more of a sadistic pleasure, as a big part of sadism is knowing the other person is, on some level, uncomfortable.

I'm scareoused!
As a subject, I find it's the inherent fear that really does it for me.  Yes, I consented, and yes, I (mostly) trust the person, but I'm literally having to watch my body do something I'm actively trying to stop.  It's a little scary.  And that makes it very hot.

With this experience, you have no doubt that someone else is completely in control.  You actually find your self racing to obey simply to beat the programming and feel like you still have some say in the matter.  This style focuses more on negative reinforcement, though.  "You know you will do what I say, so just give in and save yourself the torture."

The classic "Zombie Walk"
Finally, we have the mindless zombie.  This is what's most often depicted in the media.  It's also the one style I've never gotten to experience.  :(

It basically consists of you staying in a form of trance the entire time.  You're an empty vessel, free of the burden of a mind.  You do what you are told because there are no thoughts to the contrary.  There are no thoughts at all.

As a hypnotist, this is my least favorite type of control.  Yes, it's convenient once you've done the work of putting it into play, but you get none of the interaction inherent in the other two styles beyond a blank, "yes."

I've been told that the appeal of this as a subject is in the aftermath.  Being awakened to find yourself in a completely foreign situation.  If you remember what transpired, there's also the rush of trying to piece together if you really did those things.  If you don't, you have the excitement that confusion brings.  A fun thing to do is tape a subject in this state and show him or her the tape later.

There you have it... those are the states of hypnotic submission (as best as I can describe them).  They all have their pleasurable aspects.  Think hard about which sounds like the most fun.  Focus on that thought.  Hold it deep inside of your mind as we continue...

Part 4: Go Deeper and Deeper for Me

While being the subject is a truly exquisite experience, it's not the only one, nor is it my preferred.  I like being in control.  I like being in control of other people.  and I love being  in such complete control that they are mine to mold as I see fit!

As a hypnotist, there are literally endless possibilities of how you can play with your subjects.  Some of my favorites include:

My favorite type of boys...
10. Feminization:  Girls will be girls, and boys will be girls!  Feminization is an entire post unto itself, but hypnosis can be an indispensable tool in achieving it!

What do you mean orgasm noOOOHGOD!
9. Triggered Pleasure/Pain:  You can make your subject feel anything you want any time you want.  Be it verbal triggers, text commands, or even some random variable such as "the sight of a white car", you can have endless amounts of fun watching your subject squirm.  Alternating between pain and pleasure triggers is also a good way to really mindfuck someone into craving a little punishment.

Make sure you're all erect, boys.
8. Sexuality Broadening: This tends to be very effective with feminization, but is actually a category unto itself.  If your subject has consented to being your slave, then they are, for all intents and purposes, to fuck whomever you say.  Male or female.  This can be quite difficult, but repeated positive reinforcement combined with conditioning will have your subject pitching for whichever teams you want!  My advice is to go for both!

Tastes like the Oreos...
7. Altered Taste:  Does your subject like performing oral but hate the taste?  Get rid of that little mental roadblock by changing his or her perception so that it tastes like the most delicious, gooey melted chocolate.  Everybody loves chocolate.  I especially love white chocolate, but that's more from my subject days. ;)

Sure, I'll suck your cock, Ms. Vergara!
6. Fantasy Fucks:  Does your subject have a crush on a particular celebrity?  Give them the opportunity to live out that fantasy with you.  Make them think you are their fantasy crush.  This can be even more fun if you just let them run wild from there.

Cleaning the upholstery is fun, too...
5. Makeshift Furniture:  Have them assume a useful position and freeze them there.  Then, simply kick back and put your feet up on the most arousing footrest you'll ever see!  You can strengthen the hold by giving them orders to repeat a mantra in their mind the entire time.  I like using, "a footrest does not think, a footrest does not move."  And speaking of mantras...

Always look on the bright side of SLAVERY...
4. Mantra Repetition:  This is a great way to enforce hypnotic control.  Place the command that, whenever he or she is not actively focused on a task, the subject's mind will be filled with the mantra you give them.. make it something simple and short, so that it's both easily remembered and easily looping.

I finished licking your dildos clean!
3. Personal Assistant:  My first Mistress really liked this one a lot, too.  Not only did it give her some credibility to have her own secretary with her at photo shoots, she loved being able to relax with her own personal masseuse afterwards.  Then we'd go back to her place so that her maid could tidy up.  You can't spend all day every day fucking your slave, so give them something to do in the meantime.

Seriously, why's it always feet with me?
2. Tickle Tickle!:  This probably ties into my foot fetish, but I absolutely love being able to send subjects into fits of manic laughter as they feel their feet being mercilessly tickled... all without moving a finger.

Three slave... well, it's a start
1.  Complete and Total Enslavement:  My personal favorite.  Using that first style of trance I described earlier, you can have your own customized, personalized, ready-to-serve-out-of-the-box toy!  If that's not happiness, then I don't know what is!

Of course, that's not all you can do... but discovering the possibilities is half the fun!

This has been such a long post, and I'm sure you're almost completely asleep by now, so I'll leave you now with one small suggestion: leave a comment with your thoughts, or, if you'd like to discuss things more privately, e-mail me for further... discussion.

It seems like a such a good idea, doesn't it?

Happy trancing...


Illustrations for 10, 9, 7, 6, 4 found on  All other images found on Pinterest & Imgur via Reddit.


  1. What a thorough introduction to the subject! I like your lists. :)

  2. Loved it perfectly relate to i t .. Now watching Mr T Lol:)

  3. Great introduction...I'd love to find out more

  4. Amazing introduction

  5. Great induction ;P (Didn't work, though.)
    Great introduction. It has some nice ideas too...
